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From NetSupport School version 11.41.0009 and NetSupport Manager version 12.01.0011, a new 256 colour palette optimisation feature was included. This introduced the ability to change the maximum colour depth configuration when using the View or Show feature to use one of the following options:

256 colours (high quality)
256 colours (medium quality)
256 colours (low quality)
High colour

These settings allow you to optimise the performance when showing and viewing Clients over a wireless network without impacting the quality of the View or Show session.

Changing the max colour depth setting in NetSupport School:

Show setting

  1. Select {View}{Current Settings} from the Tutor Console drop-down menu.
  2. Select Show.

  1. Choose the required max colour depth setting from the drop-down list.

View setting

  1. Select {View}{Current Settings} from the Tutor Console drop-down menu.
  2. Select Remote ControlView.

  1. Choose the required max colour depth setting from the drop-down list.

Changing the max colour depth setting in NetSupport Manager:

Show setting

  1. Select {View}{Settings for Current Configuration} from the Control window drop-down menu.
  2. Select Show.

  1. Choose the required max colour depth setting from the drop-down list.

View setting

  1. Select {View}{Settings for Current Configuration} from the Control window drop-down menu.
  2. Select Remote ControlView.

  1. Choose the required max colour depth setting from the drop-down list.
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