The NetSupport DNA database can be migrated from your existing SQL Server to a new SQL Server instance. If you have not already installed SQL onto the new server that you are going to be migrating the database to and configured this for use with DNA, please see the following document:
Migrating the NetSupport DNA database to a new SQL Server
- Stop the NetSupport DNA Server and SQL Server service on the existing server machine to prevent information from being written to the database.
- Backup the current SQL DNA database to a NetSupportDNA.bak file using SQL Management Studio. For further information, click here.
- Log into the new SQL Server instance via SQL Management Studio.
- Right click Databases and select Restore Database.
- Select Device as the source, click Add and browse to the location of the database backup file that you created in step 2. Click OK.
- Navigate to the Files section on the left-hand side, select the Relocate all files to folder option and ensure this is restoring to the required location.
- Click OK at the bottom of the window to start the restore process.
- Once the database has been restored, on the DNA Server machine navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\NetSupport\NetSupport DNA\Server and run the DNADBWizard.exe.
- Select Setup a Database User for accessing the DNA database and click Next.
- Clear the Use the Network Login Details option and enter a login ID and password for the SQL user that will be created on the new SQL Server.
- Click Create This User and enter the name of the new SQL Server followed by the SQL administrator (sa) credentials. Click OK and then Finish once the user has been created.
- Start the NetSupport DNA Server service and then verify that you can log into the DNA Console.
Your DNA Server will now be communicating with the new SQL Server and writing to the database on this server rather than the previous SQL Server. Once you have verified that this is running, you can choose to uninstall the old SQL Server without this impacting the DNA Server.