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This article details how to deploy NetSupport DNA via Microsoft Intune using the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center (https://endpoint.microsoft.com).

You can download the NetSupport DNA Agent.msi installer file from the My Support area https://support.netsupportsoftware.com or the main download page on our website https://download.netsupportsoftware.com/download.

We also suggest creating, within the environment you’re going to deploy NetSupport DNA to, a group containing all of the devices you wish to install the software on. For information on creating a group within Intune, please see the following Microsoft documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/intune/fundamentals/groups-add.

Creating an installation package (line-of-business app)
In order to install the NetSupport DNA Agent via Intune, you must create a line-of-business app. Line-of-business apps are essentially applications that you install via an installation file. In this case, the NetSupport DNA Agent.msi file.

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center.
  2. Select Apps > Windows > Add.
  3. Drop down the ‘Select app type’ field and under the Other app types, select Line-of-business app.
  4. Click Select. The Add app steps should be displayed.
  5. Under the ‘Add information’ section, click Select app package file.
  6. Click the ‘Select a file’ field or the folder icon and then select the NetSupport DNA Agent.msi file.
  7. Click OK on the ‘App package file’ section to add the app.
  8. On the ‘App information’ section, enter the following:

Under ‘Name’, edit the entry if required (default value of NetSupport DNA Client).
Under ‘Description’, click Edit Description and provide more information if required.
Under ‘Publisher’, enter NetSupport Ltd.
Leave ‘Ignore app version’ set to No.

  1. When distributing software via Intune, you can tell the installer which values to use during the installation by using command-line arguments.

To install the NetSupport DNA Agent with the optional Internet Restriction component and connect it to a DNA Server by providing the DNA Server’s IP address (example IP address shown), you would enter the following into the Command-line arguments field (INSTALLLSP=0 if you do not want to install the Internet Restriction component):


  1. Under ‘Show this as a featured app in the Company Portal’, set this to Yes if you wish to advertise the application for installation on the Company Portal app on the target machines.
  2. Click Next to proceed to Assignments.
  3. Choose how you would like the package to be assigned to your devices. You can select from one of the following:

Available for enrolled devices.

Note: This will only uninstall the package if Intune previously installed the package onto the device via an ‘Available for enrolled devices’ or ‘Required’ assignment using the same deployment.

  1. Click Add Group (under the method you would like to use) to assign the package to the devices you want the software to be installed on or allow the software to be installed to.
  2. If you’re not ready to deploy the app to your devices yet, you can leave this blank, click Next and configure the assignments later.
  3. Once you are happy with the groups selected, click Next.
  4. You can now review everything before creating the app. If everything is configured correctly, click Create to start uploading the package.
  5. Once the package has been uploaded, your devices that are part of the assignment sync with Intune (note this can take some time) and pick up the app assignment changes. If you set the app to be ‘Required’, it will attempt to automatically install the software on the device.
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