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In order to be able to view and remote control a Mac device running the new NetSupport Manager Client, it is necessary to apply the required permissions for the Client within macOS.

To apply the permissions, there is a Permissions utility included within the NetSupport Manager Mac Client which allows you to apply the required permissions to the Mac after completing the installation.

Using the NetSupport Manager Permissions utility
When you install the NetSupport Manager Mac Client, the Permissions utility will automatically launch upon completion of the installation. However, if the installation has already been completed, you will find the NSMPermissions.app file located in /Applications/NetSupport/NSMClient.

When the Permissions utility is launched, you will be prompted to enter your admin credentials for the Mac.

Once launched, the Permissions utility will show you which permissions are currently applied and any that need setting.

Click Set next to the required permissions to apply it to the Mac. Once all permissions have been applied, click Refresh to force the Permissions utility to check the permissions again. A green tick will appear once all permissions have been applied.

Applying the permissions via an MDM
As well as using the Permissions utility, it is also possible to apply the permissions to your Mac via an MDM solution. Within the installation of the Client is a mobileconfig file that can be pushed to your Macs via an MDM solution to set the permissions.

You will find the NSMClient.mobileconfig file located on the Mac Client in /Applications/NetSupport/NSMClient/. From here, right click the NSMClient.app and select Show Package Contents and then navigate to /Contents/Resources/.

This mobileconfig can then be pushed out as a configuration profile via your MDM. The following guides explain how to do this via Jamf Pro and Mosyle (these steps should be similar for other MDM solutions):

Installing the NetSupport Manager Mac Client via Jamf Pro
Installing the NetSupport Manager Mac Client via Mosyle

Note: Due to macOS security restrictions, the screen recording permission must be set locally at the Mac devices using the Permission utility and cannot be applied via an MDM solution.

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