NetSupport Manager integrates with Microsoft’s Active Directory structure, enabling you to manage Control and Client configurations centrally. From NetSupport Manager version 12, these configurations can be integrated using ADMX files. In previous versions of NetSupport Manager, only ADM Template files were available to be imported into Active Directory to apply the Control and Client configuration.
NetSupport Manager includes four ready-made Administrative Templates using the ADMX format as listed below. Each ADMX file will also include a corresponding ADMX language specific resource file (.ADML).
This is a machine policy containing configurable options that will be applied to the NetSupport Manager Control.
This is a user policy containing configurable options that will be applied to the NetSupport Manager Control.
This is a machine policy containing configurable options that will be applied to the NetSupport Manager Client.
This is a user policy containing configurable options that will be applied to the NetSupport Manager Client.
When you install NetSupport Manager the Template files will be copied to:
32bit C:\ProgramFiles\NetSupport\NetSupport Manager\ADM Templates\ADMX
64bit C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\NetSupport\NetSupport Manager\ADM Templates\ADMX
The corresponding ADMX language specific resource files (.ADML) for each of the above ADMX files will be found in a language folder (e.g. en-GB) in the above location.
To apply an ADMX file to your Active Directory environment for the NetSupport Manager configuration options to be visible in the Group Policy Management Console, the ADMX files listed above and their corresponding ADML file will need to be copied to your domain Central Store.
Note: If you have not created a Central Store for your domain, please refer to the Microsoft documentation on how to create the Central Store for ADMX files.
Below is the default location for a domain Central Store:
ADMX files are stored in: %systemroot%\sysvol\domain\policies\PolicyDefinitions
ADML files are stored in: %systemroot%\sysvol\domain\policies\PolicyDefinitions\ll-cc*
*Where ll-cc represents the language identifier, such as en-US for English United States or en-GB for English Great Britain.
The templates will be automatically integrated once they are placed into the correct folder. However, all NetSupport policies are set to {not configured} by default.