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Observation options
When you have created an observation, it will be added as a draft observation at the top of your observation timeline.

Selecting the ellipsis on the corner of the observation opens a menu with the following options:

More – Expands the observation so you can see more information.
Edit – Enables you to go back into your observation and make changes.
Save – The observation can no longer be removed but may be edited.
Post – The observation is shared with parents. Information is added to journals and reports. The observation cannot be removed but may be edited.
Enable/Disable – Enables or disables parent comments.
Remove – Deletes the observation. Once an observation has been deleted, it cannot be restored.

When an observation has been posted, you will have an additional option – Journal. This enables you to see the individual observation as a journal entry.

Observation statuses
Draft – For draft observations, you can make any changes. The observation is not viewable by any parents. The observation can be discarded by pressing Remove.
Saved – For saved observations, text and evidence can be changed but students and assessments are locked. Press Edit to make changes. The observation cannot be removed. The observation is not visible for parents. The observation can still be posted.
Posted – For posted observations, text and evidence can be changed but students and assessments are locked. Press Edit to make changes. The observation cannot be removed. The observation is visible to relevant parents. Data from these observations is added to reports and journals.


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